Friday 16 December 2011

Lana Del Rey

You can say a lot about Lana (and her lips) but at the end of the day she's original, talented, creative and so special. Major Girl crush.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

slow club

The names of these dancers are Ryan François, Remy Kouakou- incredible lindy-hop/swing instructors.
song is pretty cool as well.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Mortensrud Church

just visited Mortensrud Church in Oslo. It's built in 2002 and the architect is Jan Olav Jensen. The natural light of the site is unique, how the rays from the sun chooses its moment to pierce through the branches of the tall trees. It feels like the stone walls inside the church tries to tell the same story.
Also, considering this is a "House of God", I find it very appropriate how one chooses to relate to nature.
What do you think?

Grimes- Vanessa

a perfect amount of childish (minus the leg warmers on the wrists)

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Bombay Bicycle Club

The vocals remind me of Maccabees, but "BBC" have the beautiful contrast between light melodies and dark vocals.

Sunday 31 July 2011

summer music

Paul Kalkbrenner- Aaron

postcards from Dalston

Dalston, Hackney is one of many sites I've studied. What better way to illustrate your first impression of a place than to draw postcards?

Thursday 28 July 2011

in conflict

made this not only to explore the material qualities but also to express some kind of conflict of interest.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

6 East Building

One of my first attempts to survey and then draw out (here 1:20) a building. This is a drawing of a staircase is from the "6 East Building" by Alison and Peter Smithson. I was intrigued by how the platforms changed as you climbed it as well as the size of the windows. An "inspiring" staircase if you can put it that way, as the scenery was not about dreadful repetition.


This song was responsible for my main emo-outlet as a teenager. Like the "My Chemical Romance" of the nineties. But ofcourse so much better. Turn it up and spray out those tears.
(btw the soundtrack to my favourite film "Good Will Hunting")

Monday 25 July 2011

for my friend

I know you're probably my only reader so I'm dedicating this song to you. Remember when we first saw the video? Already a night to giggle about.

Lucignano d'Asso

alright, time to show some of my own work.

Pretty chuffed about this 1:500 plaster model. It is of Lucignano D'Asso, a village in Tuscany. I made it by cutting out the 130 contour lines in card (by hand, so fantastic social life that week), gluing them together with some buildings. Then I covered it with silicone and ta-da! I had a mould. Filled it with plaster and this is "Le result".

Lucignano d’Asso is situated on the top of a hill, the houses are curved around the hills like the necklace around a neck. Lucignano consists of mostly abandoned buildings, some rented out houses and a shop.

Farming in italy was for a long time run as an aristocracy where individual farmers rented land instead, when buying was too expensive or impossible, by working on the land and giving most profits to the owner. The farmer and his family would be left with a bare minimum to survive, and was not given the chance to develop his market as his payment was set.

During the 1960’s industrialism found Italy as most other western European countries. Factories were built in the larger cities and farming was also industrialized by machines. The machines required less workers and competition between farms got harder. The farms got fewer and larger and a lot of the farmers were forced into the cities to work in factories. This is what changed Lucignano’s population from more than 300 to less than 50 in the 1960-70’s.

That's it for now.

Oh don't you worry, there will be more thrilling, mind-blowing, enthrawling information and work about my dear Lucignano d'Asso.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

the role of the architect

I'm terrified of architects. I think they know something I don't know. But I go to university where at least 25 architects have tried to teach me what this is, but they don't really tell me. It's all wrapped in with some non spesific gibberish about "trinities, honesty, connections, reflections blah blah blargh".
And there are the Gods. The Architects who believe they made the world how it is today. "Cities could never emerged without great architects" and "developing areas is impossible without good architecture"- really? Ofcourse any professional carry their title with pride, but in my opinion perhaps some architects overestimate their overall effect and underestimate their personal effect. Urban planning and great office buildings effect a lot of people, designing these is more likely to mark your name in history. However, I believe the personal care put in to a design, like family homes with materials, circulation, spaces ++ adapted to the individuals is more rewarding. A wide window sill with the perfect view, draft and curve to fit my back means more to me than the layout of Canary Wharf.

Architecture does ofcourse play a large role in society, but compared to medicine, or politics? There are the enviromental aspects ofcourse, but these are choices made by the architect, not so much a creative input with a personal adaptment.
So these architects I cannot relate to, who see what they do as important as finding a cure for cancer, maybe they've got a bit ahead of themsel.?ves and should take a step back and admit what I'll happily confess : architects may not make a influence on the human race, but on individual human beings.

My mission as an architect is to adapt the architecture in a way to make it practical, comfortable, inspiring, enjoyable and perhaps enhancing the better in the user.
Maybe my goals are even more pompous and unrealistic as the ambitions of "the Gods".

Monday 25 April 2011


Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid is connected to a library which is one of the most succesful buildings I have ever experienced. A calm atmosphere, feeling sheltered from noise, sufficient light, organized layout of books and smooth circulation are a few of the many factors one must consider when designing such a building. I believe Jean Nouvel architects has put an impressive ammount consideration to detail in to this "biblioteca" which makes it one of my favourite buildings.

california sunrise

Sunday 13 March 2011

music and architecture

This charming man talks about a connection between architecture and music. I am searching for a less litteral and perhaps more coincidental way of comparing the two, but creds to "Sam Mental" (?) and his creative Hawkin-like search for a deeper meaning and connection.

Friday 11 March 2011

who i am

What you like defines who you are. This will be about what I like and what occupies my head.