Monday 25 July 2011

Lucignano d'Asso

alright, time to show some of my own work.

Pretty chuffed about this 1:500 plaster model. It is of Lucignano D'Asso, a village in Tuscany. I made it by cutting out the 130 contour lines in card (by hand, so fantastic social life that week), gluing them together with some buildings. Then I covered it with silicone and ta-da! I had a mould. Filled it with plaster and this is "Le result".

Lucignano d’Asso is situated on the top of a hill, the houses are curved around the hills like the necklace around a neck. Lucignano consists of mostly abandoned buildings, some rented out houses and a shop.

Farming in italy was for a long time run as an aristocracy where individual farmers rented land instead, when buying was too expensive or impossible, by working on the land and giving most profits to the owner. The farmer and his family would be left with a bare minimum to survive, and was not given the chance to develop his market as his payment was set.

During the 1960’s industrialism found Italy as most other western European countries. Factories were built in the larger cities and farming was also industrialized by machines. The machines required less workers and competition between farms got harder. The farms got fewer and larger and a lot of the farmers were forced into the cities to work in factories. This is what changed Lucignano’s population from more than 300 to less than 50 in the 1960-70’s.

That's it for now.

Oh don't you worry, there will be more thrilling, mind-blowing, enthrawling information and work about my dear Lucignano d'Asso.

1 comment:

  1. nice model, you get a real impression of a small hilltop village.
